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Proboscis monkeys
Written at Monday, May 3, 2010 | back to top

These creatures live in parts of Borneo island and some can be found in Brunei. They may not what we call as cute or adorable but what makes them unique apart from all other monkeys in the world are their enormous belly and unusual long noses. They are also called Dutch monkeys. The reason? They resembles the Dutch plantation owners in Borneo long time ago who were large men with large red noses and big potbellies.

Proboscis monkeys are famous of their cucumber shaped noses. The longer they live, the bigger their noses become. But did you know that only the males' noses get bigger? Some Proboscis Monkeys have noses reaching down to their chins, but they are primates, like humans. In fact they are so big it may be that the male needs to move his nose out of the way to eat their food. You may think it’s funny to see a picture of proboscis monkeys because they start to look like someone you know.

Baby proboscis monkeys are not so recognizable since their noses are not that big and only the nostrils can be seen. The female have rather pointy upturned ones, which is much different from the males.

So why is the nose so important to the male proboscis monkeys? Well, they are generally to attract females because for them, the bigger the nose is, the better. When the monkey becomes angry or needs to send a warning to other monkeys, the nose chamber swells with blood which then amplifies the warning calls. Animals can often have strange features but they always serve them in some way.

The habitat of Proboscis monkeys are rainforests of the lowlands and most of all mangrove-forests at the river mouths. They are able to swing from branch to branch using their hands but are also very skilled in running on all fours. If proboscis monkeys are in a hurry, they jump from tree to tree. They prefer this way to move when they have to cross rivers or escape from predators like the Clouded leopard. If there's no other opportunity to escape left, Proboscis monkey drops themselves into the water even from high branches. They are very skilled swimmers and divers. But even so, some died because the water current drives them away from land and they drowned.

Proboscis Monkeys began to disappear rapidly from 30 to 40 years ago and is one of the endangered species in the world. The reason was that people cut down their precious mangrove forests. Some even hunt them (not to eat them) and drive them away from their natural habitats to gain more land. People were unaware at that time so as we can see, there’s less proboscis monkeys to be seen nowadays.

Even though some exist in Brunei, it's really rare for us to see any of the animals. They can't be kept in a zoo because the environment is not suitable for them. So the best way to keep them alive is just to leave them alone to live in their own natural habitat.