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Sheep are mammals that are ruminant. They are usually bred for livestock by shepherds. Sheep are usually born in spring. Colors range from pure white to dark chocolate. They are one of the earliest domestic animals used for agricultural purposes. A male uncastrated sheep is known as a 'ram' whereas the female is known as an 'ewe'. Apart from it's importance in dairy farming, it also provides us with wool. Wool is most widely used any animal parts.

Sheep production are usually located in Australia, New Zealand, South American nations and British Isles. Sheep are herbivorous, that means they only eat grass and not meat. Water is a fundamental requirement needed in the daily lives of sheep. They only drink clean water and refuse to drink water containing algae. Hay acts as their staple food during the winter season. Ewes weigh about 45-100 kg. Rams are much heavier, weighing between 45-160 kg. At four years old, they akready have full teeth. A mature sheep has 32 teeth. An ewe which lost most of it's teeth are known as "broken mouth" and ewes that lost all it's teeth are known as "gummers".

There are currently about 200 breeds in existence. Sheep actually have good hearing, and not to mention, good sight. They can see behind themselves without turning their heads! This is because they have quite different eye structure than other animals. A common breed, known as the "ovis aries" actually have a leader of the flock. So every once in a while they follow their leader to new pastures. Sheep can become stressed when left seperated from it's flock. It can also remember and recognize humans or fellow flock members for years. Although the members of the flock are close to each other, they maintain better relationship to sheep actually related to them.

Sheep are thought as extremely unintelligent and often compared to pigs in terms of stupidity as they have the tendency to panic. Even though this fact is true, it doesn't change our view of sheep as fluffy,cute creatures. Stress actually kills sheep even though they are healthy and strong.
One of the many abilities of sheep is that they are able to differentiate emotional stress of humans through facial expressions.

The gestation period of sheep is 5 months. Labor usually take 1-3 hours. Most of lamb are born twins. They are able to stand within an hour of birth. After several weeks, lambs are being vaccinated so they will grow healthy and strong. This however, does not guarantee that it will not be infected with diseases. Farmers may also start the process of "ear-tagging", where the lamb's ears are being pierced to be attached with numbers. Sheep are prone to diseases and infections. They are smart enough to hide their diseases, to prevent being targeted by predators. Predators are usually felines, bears, ravens and dogs.

Beef are one of the most high-demand food in the market. It conquers chicken and pork, known to be the most frequent meat products buyer usually purchase. Most popular food associated to beef are meatloaf, beef burgers, steak etc. Doesn't it sound so tasty? Wool is also very popular. However these few days wool prices are falling. This is a huge loss for many sheep owners. Sheepskin are used for clothes, rugs and footwear. Sheep bone are used for making dice in board games and buttons. Sheep tallow (fat) are used to make candles, soap and base for make up (girls, check your make-up! ).
Black sheep are considered unlucky for most farmers, but some still rear them anyways. Farmers usually look for sheep depending on their face colour and their horn. In ancient times, sheep are a symbol of God, Sheep are worshipped by the Jewish in the olden days. Overall, sheep have an important mark in our planet, apart from being one of the most adorable animals in the face of our earth, they provide us with a healthy diet and an important in some cultures.